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Wine glass without engraving

Wine glass was only a small part of the production at the Norwegian glassworks. Bottles and window glass at times accounted for about 80%. Nevertheless, it is the wine glasses and carafes we associate with old, Norwegian glass, because they are preserved for posterity.  

Weyse's model book from 1763 contains drawings of 47 different drinking glass shapes. When the production of wine glasses was moved to Hurdal, they continued to produce more of the models from Nøstetangen, but new ones were also added. The names are known from Hurdal's price lists, but they are without illustrations.

 The vials were of three types; wine glasses, dessert wine glasses and liquor glasses. Everyone has a name, number and price, some also an indication in the pot how much the glass could contain. The wine glasses are usually 1/8 pot (1 pot was less than a liter), the distillery glasses 1/24 pot.

Some models could be delivered in both crystal and plain white glass.


The models were shapes that the German glassblowers had brought with them from Germany, such as Perlkelchen, Kopfkelchen or Danziger.   Nude virgin which is a translation of naked Jungfer or colchicum autumnale is a crocus-like flower which in shape resembles the pointed glass Nude virgin.

The models that the English glassblowers, James Keith and William Brown, brought with them often have a high set of spirals.

Models such as Royal Mouthpiece, Court Dessert and Count Moltke were special orders that were included in the regular range.

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