The whole wording is transcribed from the author, who was a schoolteacher in Hougsund and at that time applied to a very learned man of fine condition.
Notification from the Parnasso Parish
Parnassus was a well-known mountain in ancient Greece and the favorite seat of the Muses. Thus, when our old Thollef Schoolmaster senders in the poem say that he first wants to seek out Parnassus' tops, he probably thinks he wants to try his hand at poetry.
Ja endog saamange
Sin Lagterved lange –
Finished leading to Glasverket hen.
Profit it provides,
When Saw Timber becomes
Drive up to Sagene and Board out again.
«Moments for a Description of Spokes. From Old Days and Until Now. By a farmer ». Drammen 1887.
Thollef Skolemester must be the Tollef Clausen I find at the extra tax 1765 , as father in 1767 , betrothal to soldier Mads Syversen Homlebech in April 1770 and as father again in June 1770. He was married to Anne Lagesdatter and had the children Kari, Sara and Claus.
The son Claus also worked at the school and lived in 1801 in Hokksund with his wife Anne Christensdatter, the children Christen, Tollef, Anne Catrine and his unmarried sister Kari (born about 1761). Later they have another child - Karen Kirstine.
His son Claus is mentioned in "Eker -træk av en storbygds saga" p. 433, p. 436 and 437. In 1807 he earned 80 riksdaler and 56 shillings as a teacher in Hokksund. This had already in 1812 increased to 300 riksdaler. He left as a teacher in Hokksund in 1814 and with a pension of 75 riksdaler became the first pensioner of Eiker's teaching staff.
A short and simple description of Eker Læn, about which so little has been announced in the history of ancient times and therefore has nothing else to say about it, than what the old people, man after man, have been able to remember to tell, item about the village's best farms, noblest beach places , Værk og Fabriker, der udi Vers er forfattet af mig, Thollef Skolemester, Aar 1756.
When Time will unde
Me some Stunde
Occasionally, for other businesses fri
I The time when driver
With the Pen and printer
Slaar hen udi Veiret al Melankoli.
Saameget mig vanker
In Mind and Thoughts.
When I wonder in God's Providence.
Hans Husholdningslære
Large, wonderful mon be
O I knew about it with Kraft and with Fynd.
As Villien is writing,
My Song was to become
Gracious to read, to hear and see.
I will then originate
Here something about the same,
By the grace of God therewith let me bete.
What we you begin,
My Mind Now Hurry.
Let me know! I think I remember;
However, I kept having to stop
Og Parnassi Toppe
Must be searched if I can find them yet.
However, such a thing to find,
It was udi Blinde
The old Gentiles went so stupid a Vei
Ei therefore imørke
The Greek Desert
Will be sought; we are missing in Norway vel ei.
On Mountains, if Straight,
Parnassus faar vige,
Which is demanded gone, yes almost forgotten.
Would rather invent
three Nordic Peaks,
If Point Parnassus should now be mentioned.
If anyone wants to ask,
Da svares i Norge
A vicarage exists, as Eker is called.
One soon dared to say,
It hardly has Straight;
However, a little has been written and talked about it in the past.
What of Age of Days,
What might attract,
You have something other than the Legend again.
Write something about it,
Fornøiels' vil give,
Therefore a Parnassus move didhen.
In Eker we find,
Three high mountain peaks
Which are: Barbrohugget, Snaukoln, Solbergval'n
The trends with Rette
We can certainly put
For Eker Parnasse we write then will.
I now think hear,
It comes for Øre,
The goddesses sing; I sharpen my Pen,
And long to write,
What can become of me,
Shown and filed, I travel didhen.
O Sight that is delicious,
How beautiful and convenient! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
O Eker, you are wonderfully staffered are you
By Enge og Dale,
Of all that boasts;
Of Buildings, Houses, As Most Beautiful Bride.
Of Elve og Bække,
Of Fiskevand kjække.
My Spirit will be revived when I see
And therefore accepts
I carefully consider
What is now about Eker can be justified more.
With Mouth and with Tumge
Jeg Lalla maa sjunge
If I could not understand the smallest Word
To the Honor of the Creator
However, such should be;
Saa Ekko i Dale og Bjerge skal gaa.
On Eker! and bramme;
You dare A shame
Your Hat over others to have put on.
Three Mountains are Bremme,
Your Gosen and home
Enclosed there, You well have it fat.
Dig aarlig formere,
Yes grow and flourish
Between Kjøbstæderne store de To:
Kongsberg, det rige
And Drammen as well,
Where You Make Money 'by driving and ro.
One then looks and finds,
At Eker ei minder
Has been in Prejudice mighty and great
Da Kjæmpernes Bolig,
Undoubtedly and probably
Have been out there, of which there are Spor.
Paa Mure saa bolde,
Paa høie Fjeldknolde
Armor and Swords with Shields of Splendor.
And the legend goes,
They were so rich,
Their Horses with Silver Shoes to be Plated.
However, it may now be,
Then one can learn, however,
At derudi fordum Sølvgruberne var,
As can now be remembered,
There are possible and exist
Among oak Mountains a Treasure large and rare.
We then look for the first
In Eker the largest
Three beautiful, foundation-walled Churches with Spir
Of Hugne Stene,
Especially the one,
As yet about Eker's ancient Zir.
Can Testimony bear,
However, all must be
Of the Popes built, if the Weapon they bear
With Keys second,
One can not know,
Its age, it is said that the water went near.
In Ancient Times,
Da Strømme saa stride
To the Church near and The water cut out.
Ja Sag for Syn sees,
Hougs Kirke betees
God's Salvation, That People Humble themselves before God.
Among the Rivers mange
In Eker, as times,
Storelven som Brudgom vel bære maa Navn.
Thi den kan Dig Skikke
That which the Earth does not bear,
Yes annually bring You an invaluable Benefit.
It Gives You Food,
And the Fish the sweet
Salmon, Trout, Perch, Hersling, Sea bream, Whitefish,
Aal, Gedder og Flyndre,
You without looting
Can fish in each one Strøm, Evje and Vik.
Ved Hængerne Flage,
And the Ford to draw
Med Mæle og Drivgarn, samt Rusen og Krog.
So it's big Gammen;
Thi Arbeid og Fammen
Does a lot that the Fisherman The fish cheated.
Now Saw Timber is released,
Three hinges that seam:
Hefta, Hyttestøa og Kværk staa jær bra! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
But Hefta it springs,
And Hyttestøa forces
But also go before you know the Word of.
And Kværk must receive,
Saa det monne brage
In Master and Stoneware; herud Folk og Stik
Med langskaftet Hage,
With Pig and with Stage
It is collected at Hougsund, so it has good custom.
I Flaader og Hester,
and then afterwards
Udi Lilleelven go after Hest.
The page must be kept,
Towards the Stream run up
Til Vestfossens Sagbrug, om Dagen dernæst.
Thi Sagerne mange
I Eker mon gang,
Da Kvantum maa aarligen svares af dem
Twelve Fast Cases
Vestfossen recorder,
Og Skotselven tretten, ved Hoenselven fem.
Five The Water Turns,
As Mjøndalen owns,
At Vandelborg five and at Solbergelv to.
Two Hellefos writes
and Fiskum to driver,
By Hasselværk One who by the Water sno.
Vesfossen sender
I fine Bordrænder
The Tables that are cut. The same formaar
Hoenselven to do,
Its Table to perform.
Pas da paa Arbeidet, Fortjenest Du faar.
When Table To Be Performed,
To Skotselv will be asked
That Hougsund and Dynges Karle are good;
For Fosevjen correct
Cleaning is important
For such one or others allowed.
Yes also to follow,
but Race pursue,
You through Flaagrunden, Hougsund past
And when to release
Til Stenberg ei glippes
It pleases the Strandmanden, which Del gets in it.
Thi var ei det ene
At the Door to Serve,
Saamange paa Stranden ei sat sig ned,
As always must run
To Branæs and buy
Everything they supply to the House must be provided.
Men Hougsund! remember,
You used to be less
But now as a Market Town You stop fort
To Hundreds Of Inhabitants,
Du Hus og Grund laaner
On a comfortable, cheerful, enjoyable Ort.
Here fell Mogens Svale
Med Svensken i Dvale,
When he here in Norway wanted to swim around.
Every third Summer
Gaar Pipes and Drums
For six Companies mustered in Ring.
We here a promise
Vesfossen to put,
It is probably towards Hougsund near twice as big
Of Buildings Many,
There against you dare prange
Yes also Residents who live in Flor.
On Foss- and Sems-Side,
Yes look at in tide
Your Sawmill and Grinder Perfect Drive Can
And those who behænde
With the Iron can turn
For Hamren som aarlig ved Vestfossens Vand,
Goes always. Og Mange
Med Baadene lange
For Kongsberg from Drammen, Føringen can ro.
At Hasselværk kjønne
Staar Blast Furnace beautiful,
As the Iron can melt. People many there bo.
Den Flod Hipokreni.
Ei Price can earn
Towards Fiskumvand store and Ekeren rar.
No these berries Price,
Especially Fiskumisen
Its largest Place man in the Winter there has.
The most magnificent Gedder
At these Waters Widths
Om Somren kan faaes paa 2 a 3 Pund.
Large Trout also;
No one can say
At the Depth of the Squirrel still some Bund.
They both can ram,
At Kværne, Sag, Hamer
At Vestfossen annually of them has its Vand
O Viseste Orden,
Like Water and Earth
Have prepared so that everything can be ready.
Grynmøllene rare
We also experience
By Vestfossen, Krogstad and Hærebro.
By Solberg once,
By the one we erlanger
Beautiful Dutch pearl groats, large and small.
Screening mills are many,
Som aarlig mon ganga
And Sammalkværne diverse especially.
Should Krokstadelv honor,
and Solbergelv be,
As an annual must paint what Branæs desires.
Vestfossen forhaler
Eiheller, men maler
Everything you did send. Hoenselven paastand
For Hougsund is ready,
When you want to pray
To aim and paint when they only have Water.
Om Vinteren paa Føre,
Each Farm by running
Sin Last ud ud Skoven til Strandbakken ned.
While others beautifully vide
To have in tide
Sin Birkeved gjæve ved Elven bered.
Ja endog saamange
Sin Lagterved lange –
Finished leading to Glasverket hen.
Profit it provides,
When Saw Timber becomes
Drive up to Sagene and Board out again.
Now we will consider,
I Eker at agte
Ni Snes fulde Gaarde. O indige Semb.
You Kings have honored;
Thi You have been
A Noble Seat and Short Royal Home.
Fossesholm vi beskuer,
En Gaard, som vel pige,
How noble Families have lived irad.
The Beauty Among All
I Eker mon prale
And Skjelbred with these; they are followed maa ad.
Hoensgaardene to ere,
As glorious flourish,
Ja vel mod sin Lige paa Nakken dare staa.
Hougs Prestegaard becomes,
As Betleman Writes
And do Parade on the Ground too.
Dramdal will probably be,
Here worth naming
Similar to Lebanon wonderful and beautiful.
Berg should not be forgotten
With Stenshorne set
As Efratha fertile that gives great Salary.
Ei Raan vil vige
And Solberg likewise;
They compete for Fortrin and give birth to their Husband.
Aas, Stensæth and Myre
Well worth controlling
With fertile Agre and good England.
Loe, Voldstad og Ager,
They both increase;
They give in Houses and Laders full.
Skjoldhorne og Temte
Is not with that spoiled;
For their Products are better than Gold.
Værp, Vestby og Borge
They dare not mourn
They are born among Lilies; Rakstad stands on Fod.
And Wolfland delicious
with Scots, how convenient;
I aarligen fedmes som af Nilens Flod
Shot, Gevelt ei minor
With Grave is
In growing yearly. Kolbræk, Hals og Ek.
I see what you mean.
Yes The award deserves
As good as anyone else; I bear Jærs Reg.
Ryg, Narverud, Daler,
Of Fertility boasts
With Busland and Braathen as well as Fiskum and Rud.
See Ulleren frydes
og Hobbelstad prydes
With Witnesses and Mosnæs, as adorable Brides.
Ei Henstad og Saasen
As well as Spæren and Fosen
Must be the smallest in Goodness and Flor
See Vegu comforting himself,
Og Solløs forlyster
With the crop discretion. Brown lovely gror.
Vindsvold, Kaarvold og Aasen
har Koen paa Baasen
As give can the Milk with the Cream paa.
Krogstad, Ektnæs, Knive
A minor will be
Med Lysaker, Skalpe, samt Røren ogsaa.
Varlof, Horgen, Sanden
Make Happy Owner.
The same goes for Lilleby, Skarra, Skistad
Korshorgen med Vigen,
Has no disappointment;
But all commendable in the highest degree.
Ei Paule, Lunteigen
Should be set by the Road;
Far smaller Smørgrav and Røgeberg god.
Like Thorberg and Vaalen,
They pour in Skaalen
The same is true of Holthe and Hauge.
But Lerberg should be
Med Hegstad i Ære;
They are born and thrive in Beauty beautifully.
Yes Klunderud høie
Can the Mind Enjoy
Med Lunde og Lobben i Ære og Tugt.
Ei Harstad vil vige.
Ristvedt deslige
They are held in Honor, and Bjørhus we see,
As Greenland shows,
Among those that one prices,
As well as Stubberud, Høgsæt med Sønju og fler.
Op Eker at prise! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Your Creator to display.
Comfortable your Pauluner de er.
Som Israels Stammer
Is divided, You bramer
As outermost Hauge, one looks and sees.
Therefore you should give
God Glory and be
Him Indig. Arrogance You do not; lad Pragt
From God You do not lead.
Let the Word of God touch you.
Love God and Your Next of Extreme Power.
All Sin, Loads and Sounds,
Lay down and dilute
And then pray in Jesus' blessed Name.
He will forgive You,
And that he will be
Your Father and Your Adopted Child